Coffee Brewing - Espresso
Espresso is the most complex method of preparing a coffee, and probably the most rewarding! It is produced by forcing hot water under pressure through a bed of finely ground coffee. This results in a shot of concentrated liquid with a foam-like crema on top. Due to the pressure involved, espresso contains a large amount of dissolved solids and gases but also coffee oils that all contribute to its complex taste. It's this that is then used as base for the drinks found on a coffee shop menu.
There is no doubt to the reason why espresso coffee shops have gained such popularity to the team here at Limini Coffee. The need for quality equipment used with skilfull precision and combined with artful presentation means producing a caffé latte or cappuccino at home is a big undertaking. Even if you could, you would likely be missing out on the hospitable atmosphere and the sense of community that coffee shops offer.
Harvesting coffee
Find out how coffee is harvested and the hard work that the coffee farmers put into our lovely drink.
Processing coffee
Read about what they do after the harvesting of coffee and the various processing methods.
Producing around 13 million bags (60KG) of coffee, Colombia is the third largest producer of coffee.
El Salvador
Not the largest producer with 0.5 million bags (60KG) but boy do they know how to grow coffee!
Guatemala produces around 3.5 million bags (60KG) each year and produces very high quality certified coffee.
The birthplace of coffee with wild coffees and a production of around 6.5 million bags (60KG).
The neighbour of Ethiopia yet with a very different flavour profile, Kenya produces under a million bags (60KG) of coffee each year.
Only about 0.25 million bags (60KG) are produced each year by Rwanda but we love Rwandan coffee.
With over 5 million bags (60KG) a year, India produces quite a bit of coffee and use the famous Monsooning processing method.
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