Yorkshire Coffee Roaster since 2008 - Ethically Sourced Coffee
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Limini Coffee

Meet the Limini Coffee Team

Business is all about people and the people make the dream work!

Simple as that ;)


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I am a roastery assistant at Limini Coffee. I roast, pack and dispatch orders. I also enjoy learning more about coffee and love the Vostok Lever machine!

Who is my Superhero? Doctor Strange

Superheroes are not my expertise but after discussing with my colleagues; I have been told my superhero is Dr Strange. I am a self-proclaimed introvert who uses humour to win people over. I can always make those around me laugh and use this as my magical power! Not only this, but I operate the Loring roasters like Dr Strange uses his powers; with confidence and precision!


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I am a roastery operator at Limini Coffee. Alongside my colleagues, I roast, pack and dispatch all things coffee. I also take great pride in keeping our Loring roasters in tip-top shape.

Who is my Superhero? Professor Pallet

Professor Pallet is a name I was given… chosen by the people. I take great pride in protecting our product, and like a professor, I have developed a very particular set of skills, a set of skills that make me a nightmare for distributors. I provide a safe haven for our coffee to be distributed in order to maintain its integrity and structure. My crippling OCD never allows me to walk past the pallet, ignoring it. No, I help that pallet out…no matter the state. I am the professional, I am the notorious, I am the jenga hero of Limini Coffee, I am…Professor Pallet. *end scene*


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I am a roastery operator at Limini Coffee. I am responsible for roasting, packing and dispatching. I also take great pride in keeping the roastery tidy and organised.

Who is my Superhero? Cat Woman

Not only am I a crazy cat lady but like a cat, I love the quiet life. I feel I am always on the lookout for improvements. I like to be organised and keep things going. But I can have a catty side by my own admission. I am always ready to sharpen my claws and take on the next challenge. Like Catwoman, I care for others (like she does her cats)!


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I look after the office side of Limini. From processing orders to all things customer service. I’m at the end of the phone for a chat whether it be about coffee, doggies or the weather.

Who is my Superhero? Spider-Gwen

As I am not a huge superhero fan so I turned to our General Manager Vicki for advice. I am apparently Spider-Gwen. Not only am I capable of multitasking like I have web-slingers but I am strong willed and can work at speed. Like Gwen, my equilibrium, stamina and durability means I am able to run the Limini office and still take the time to chit-chat to our loyal customers.


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I was a customer of Limini for several years and loved the service and atmosphere when popping in to pick up my orders. Following that; I started working with Limini on dispatch. I’m now the royal-mail mover and take great pride in dispatching orders for our drop-shippers, home users and coffee shops alike.

Who is my Superhero? Super Gran

Not only am I a real life Super Gran but I’m also the Gran of the team. I like to make everybody smile and feel cared for. Not only this, but like Super Gran, I stand up for those in life that need it. So you might find me knitting, baking and cooking in my spare time but don’t think I need a ‘magic ray’ to hit me to give me super strength. I am Super Gran - The Royal Mail Mover!


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I am a roastery assistant at Limini Coffee. I roast, pack and dispatch orders for our Limini customers. I also support the office when needed.

Who is my Superhero? Well…my favourite superhero is Spiderman but I guess I’m more like Antman

I may be small in stature like Antman but that is not the only trait we have in common. Like Antman, my family and friends are important to me. I am always there to listen to and support my colleagues. I may not be a seasoned thief, but I am a seasoned Limini team member. Able to do whatever is needed of me in the roastery as well as support the team in the office; I’m there. Not only this but I love photography and all things computer related.


Who am I? What do I do at Limini Coffee?

I am the proud General Manager of Limini Coffee. My role is to support and develop our wonderful team, be there for and advise our loyal customers, train all those budding baristas and be the all rounder in all things Limini.

Who is my Superhero? Storm

Being the General Manager of Limini Coffee calls for a confident, compassionate and loyal leader; STORM! She is a survivor who is willing to do everything for those she loves. Like Storm, I am the trusted and wise leader of the team, with the ability to control and manipulate weather (aka coffee). Just like Storm, I am an individual who is led not only by my knowledge but also by emotion; passion in all things coffee and people. Storm is a mentor to others; a skill that has allowed me to become the barista trainer and General Manager that I am today.

Samantha and Youri
Samantha and Youri

Who are we? What do we do at Limini Coffee?

We are the founders and owners of Limini Coffee. We do all that we can to ensure Limini delivers excellent service, amazing quality coffee and other products, top notch training and an online experience that is the best. And how do we do that? Easy....with the help, loyalty and dedication of the team at Limini.

Who is my Superhero? My husband Youri.

As husband and wife, what better superhero couple is there than Mr. Fantastic & The Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four. Mr Fantastic’s (a.k.a Youri) superpower at Limini lies in his ability to stretch and bend and mould himself to any task or challenge at hand. A brilliant mind, be it the chemistry behind coffee, the engineering and understanding of equipment, IT and tech or teaching, Mr Fantastic does it all and supports and guides the Fantastic “Nine” in the right direction making Limini what it is. As for the The Invisible Woman a.k.a me (Samantha), one of her superpowers at Limini is her ability to work invisibly behind the scenes. With her powerful force fields, she protects and shields all that is Limini and the people involved. She also holds the record for the most orders packed and dispatched in one day, not that she is keeping track!


The Roastery
Unit 6 Luddite Way Business Park
Rawfolds Way
BD19 5DQ
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Coffee roaster

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call us for a chat on 01274 911 419

Monday - Friday | 09:00 - 16:30
Closed bank holidays

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